Bioethical Issues In Biotechnology Pdf

2020. 3. 2. 11:12카테고리 없음


Bioethical Issues Examples

Ethical issues in biotechnology.1.Ethical Issues of Modern BiotechnologyTable of Title Sub titles PagenoA Ethical issues ofBiotechnologya. Introduction01B CatogoriesReligious & legal issuesa.

Biotechnology Issues Today

Social issuesb. Cultural issuesc. Environmental issues02CDemerits of biotechnology A.Demerits of Animalbiotechnology04DDemerits a. Demerits of Plantbiotechnogy05EDealing with issues Approaches 06F References Refence of the data 07.Ethical Issues of Modern BiotechnologyA.

AbstractBiotechnology comprises on various techniques that exploit the applicationof biological organisms, systems or processes for the benefit of humanbeing. Ithas helped the medical science by developing new diagnostic toolsand kits to diagnose the diseases.Biotechnology had improved the way of living in many aspects includingthe industrial, agricultural production, Fight against diseases etc.Biotechnology has great potential to improven the quality of human life byimproving their health by providing them more nutritious food withimproved environmental conditions. It can ensure sustainabledevelopment by improving agricultural productivity.

However beside allthese applications some Social, Ethical, Moral and Religious issues are alsocoexist within the fields of Biotechnology. These issues includes manydefects and side effects of products, tools and techniques along witheconomical, environmental loss and other negative impacts.This short data on topic Ethical Issues of Modern Biotechnology iscollected from different sources and arranged in form of assignment. Therefences are given at the end.Rizwan Abbas Baho.B.

Introduction toEthical Issues of ModernBiotechnologyDefine Biotechnology?The term Biotechnology may be defined as the application of engineeringprinciples on biological sciences to formnew products fromraw materials ofbiological origin, for example, vaccines or food, Or the use of living organismsand their products to modify or improvehuman life and environment health.BioethicsBioethics is the branch of biological sciences which deals with the issue rises dueto the advancement biological tools and techniques. It is the application of ethicsin field of mass production and healthcare and specifically in biotechnicalprocesses.C. Ethical Issues of Modern BiotechnologyBiotechnology is playing an important role for the improvement of human life.However beside all these applications some Social, Ethical, Moral and Religiousissues are also coexist within the fields of Biotechnology.